All consultations are by appointment

Please call (03) 6243 8611 or book  your appointment online here.

Consultations are by available from 8-6 Monday-Friday by appointment only.  Every effort is made to accommodate same day and walk in appointments however this may not always be possible.  For a medical emergency please ring 000, advice and access to after hours medical care is available by calling Call the doctor on 1800 225 584.  Home visits should be discussed with your doctor.  Non urgent results can be obtained by calling the Practice, we do have a recall system in place which your doctor can discuss with you.

A standard appointment time is up to 15 minutes.

If you are booking a consultation for a specialised treatment, please inform our receptionists so they can assure adequate time is reserved.

When cancelling an appointment patients are asked to 2 hours’ notice.  This allows time for the appointment spot to be allocated to another patient.  Charges will apply for non-attendance or late cancellation of appointments.

Patients please note we aim to reply to all emails within 3 business days if deemed appropriate, for further clarification please call the clinic.

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